Terms and conditions

How to make a booking?

  1. Fill in the tentative booking form which you can find on the bottom of the page of your chosen cottage.
  2. We will confirm your booking in no later than 2 days. We will also ask you to pay 50pc of the rental price in advance.
  3. Booking is confirmed after we receive your payment and it will be highlighted in the calendar.
  4. We will send you detailed information about your stay no later than 5 days before your arrival.
  5. When you arrive, we will hand you the house over, sign a rental agreement, and ask you to pay the rest of the rental fee as well as a deposit.
  6. After you finish your stay in the house, we will take over the house and ask you to pay for the water, gas and electricity you have used.

You can find detailed terms and conditions HERE.

For more information, please contact us on +420 777 629 132


+420 731 013 901
(Michaela Černá)

+420 734 441 461
(Jirka Tomášek)